A tiny go on the swings

A tiny go on the swings

i put Amber on the swings next to Aydin for a minute and though she moved as much as the slight breeze swayed her she loved it.

Feeding the cutest baby

Feeding the cutest baby

As if she wasn’t adorable enough holding food and covered in it, this hat just sends the cuteness to over drive! Mama heart melting! 

Christmassy weather

Christmassy weather

First time in the snow, gosh London got cold suddenly!i couldn’t resist getting everyone dressed for a closer look but we kept it short because we didn’t want anyone catching a cold out a 8am.

Siblings & sore tums

Siblings & sore tums

It has become increasingly difficult to keep Amber in her own little play mat this little monkey constantly on the move and always in Her big brothers direction. I can begin to picture Ambers pay back for all the times Aydi annoyed her. 🙂

These photos below were before she made it impossible for him to turn the page. And then of Aydi needing down time for a whole day due to a sore tummy. We coped beng home all day, just about! Thanks to popcorn, tv and cuddles and a little nap. 

Meeting grandad & catch up with great grannie

Meeting grandad & catch up with great grannie

Me and my dad have not kept a very close relationship for years but I didn’t really think it would take him 6 months to finally meeting his only granddaughter. The working of people’s minds never fail to amaze but I would like to think a grandchild would be pretty high in my list when my little ones are at that stage.  Well nonetheless I thought I would capture the moment as she may be an adult by the next encounter. Also, we caught up with great grannie who enjoyed Ambers smiles and cuteness no end. 

Party & soft play

Party & soft play

We attended our 1st toddler party and soft play madness. It was non stop for Aydi and he loved it he behaved so well and eat his fair  share of naughty food but it was totally worth it to see his happy little face. Glad these don’t happen often that was the whole day gone with travel. Exhausted family by 5pm!

Halloween mayhem

Halloween mayhem

These two tots could not look more adorable, I’m fighting the urge to squish them super hard!