19 months my baby!

19 months my baby!

My tiny thing is so gorgeous I can’t believe it! He drives me crazy with  sleep routines and midnight wake up but during the day you are absolutely awesome. 

Sunday lunch fun 

Sunday lunch fun 

Little Mr behaved amazingly at lunch today, so patient with the long wait for food and us taking ages to get back home. This boy just melts my heart.


Weekend morning another 4:30am start

Weekend morning another 4:30am start

Why must mornings start so very early little man???  It is physically painful to wake at this time. It takes a lot to drag ourselves out of bed to start the day at this time and more so on a weekend. 

Once we had made it through to 9am (felt like it should be lunch time) we went to Horniman museum our new favourite place.    




Morning stroll with a little Mr early bird & play group

Morning stroll with a little Mr early bird & play group

When the day starts at 4:30 am by 9am you feel like you are going insane trapped at home! 

So we ventured out in the cold to clear our minds and enjoy the morning breeze. It was freezing!!!!


Play group in the afternoon, where Aydin spent the entire time walkimg outside up and down.


Play with Grannie

Play with Grannie

Grannie got back from holiday and at the first chance we met up to have some family time. We went to the park, had pizza for lunch and ended the day with quality time with Aydin. In all fairness it was a last attempt at soothing a very moody Aydi from his nap but it worked he calmed down and played with grannie. Love these two so much.


Soft play 

Soft play 

First time at soft play was full of mixed emotions for Aydi. He was curious and scared with the latter definitely outweighing things. He was definitely not keen on exploring the bigger kids area with me and was not amused when I pushed him into it. Lesson learnt and we stuck to the under 2s bit which was the ball pit. Once we established where he was comfortable we had a good time and wore ourselves out. 

As the last two pictures show it was all too much and he was asleep before his lunch which is rare nowadays.  All in all a successful outing.    


18 months old 

18 months old 

My gorgeous tiny thing has really grown up! He really struts his stuff now and is chatting lots. He has added Maya, Cassius, spoon, shoe, moon and others which escape me at the moment. 

Saturday @ Horniman museum 

Saturday @ Horniman museum 

 We had a wonderful morning exploring the Horniman museum on Saturday. Many local mums had recommended it and I finally understand why. With its farmers market, park, gardens, view of the city, animal walk, aquarium and museum itself it’s definitely a baby/toddler friendly place. Lots of space to run around which is great with a little explorer and an absolute bonus is the portion size on the cafes fries. Fantastic!!! 

Think I will also go there more.



17 months

17 months

At 17 months Aydin is walking lots,he hardly crawls anymore. He is saying lots of little words like:

Sta = star

No Ma =  no mas (no more in Spanish) but he uses it even if he wants more of something

Mami- melts my heart with this one


Appy = happy?

Uno uno = 1 in Spanish 


He can point to the mouse in his book and  to our noses when asked in Spanish & Turkish. 

And he is more handsome daily!