Daddy’s back at work and though I was dreading feeling low in his absence, I am feeling ok. I think the grey cloud of negativity is slowly making the way for clearer happier thinking. 

I think I have focused so much on Aydi’s few minutes of complaining before naps that I was constantly anxious. Now that I know it’s just part of the normal routine I am a bit calmer and better able to cope without feeling heart broken. 
On Thursday Aydin had his second vaccination which wasn’t so dreadful once I knew what to expect. Not dreading the 3rd one quite so much. 
On two days this week Aydin suddenly started crying in what I know is the ‘I’m in pain’ crying. I was in such a panic both times but in less than half an hour he was back to normal. After a check up with the doctor we could only guess it was trapped wind. I hope that’s the case and we don’t get this too often.
In a few days we hit the 3 month mark, can’t believe we are practically there. 

My chubby little love is running low on clothes because 0-3 no longer fits. He is definitely size 3-6 month and a healthy 6.92 kgs.