Look how grown up my aydi looks!! Can’t believe in a matter of days he will be 2! I didn’t know it was possible to be so head over heals in love. Despite all the hard bits, this boy is amazing. 

My birthday came and went in a flash. I wanted to pamper myself, rest and have me time. What was I thinking? Mums don’t get a break. 

I think in reality my plans are too ambitious for my actual energy levels. I can just about muster the energy to get myself to bed so hobbies and pampering are too much hassle right now. The drawing, writing, fitness and all other big plans will have to wait, this mama needs her sleep after 4:30am starts and being a toddlers slave/jester/cleaner/cook/ nurse all day while not letting the flat look like a total bomb site. I must accept I will never be one of those successful, ambitious, creative super mamas 🙁 but I will try to be a loving mama everyday.