The start of the week came with the first cold night so far, it has suddenly become clear that winter is indeed around the corner. The nights are closing in and I am very aware that the days are getting shorter and the inevitable gloom of winter is upon us. Though with Aydin in our lives I am sure this winter will be full of sunshine. 

We had Aydins hip check up on Tuesday and thankfully it seems everything is ok after the initial worry that he was born with a clicky left hip. Luckily Juanchi took me to the hospital and back, I still find myself fearful of venturing out with Aydin. With no routine whatsoever I am so scared of ending up with a screaming baby on the bus or even in the street. Also finding time to get ourselves ready to venture out between naps and feeds seems almost impossible. I am still struggling to even run down and grab food between watching him, perhaps I over complicate things but my day goes in a flash. His baby gym arrived this week and though he seems to like it the interest lasts very little and after a few minutes he wants to be picked up.
So not a great distraction for him.