These first 5 weeks are a blur of happiness and adrenaline keeping us going.

I think the excitement of such a tiny perfect little thing being yours and the constant feeding are the clearest memory. Aydin has been a dream, sleeping most of the night with sleepy feeds every couple of hours, and I was worried he wouldn’t wake up to eat once home, yeah right! 

The days have gone by so quickly with hardly a snippet of time for any of my needs, but then what did I expect? This is what having a newborn is all about. Forget showers, coffee, food or a pee whenever you actually want one. It’s more like a race to get any of these done in any instant you can put the baby down. Anyway, I can’t complain because I know with Aydin so far I have had it easy. 

Look at those teeny tiny hands
Can’t get enough of how small they are

Well they do say sleep when they sleep. 🙂