I have been meaning to jot done a post on songs and in particular songs that have memories or significance to me. So here is a start…

Ci vuole calma e sangue freddo https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgY-5rSQ070

Florence 2005 when Hal and I met and this wonderful adventure started much to our surprise and amazement. What was never meant to go anywhere has gone this far and I hope has a million years longer to go. Much like the lyrics of this song we were pretty young, free and cold bloodied then and perhaps escaping from our own routine and real personalities. Unrecognisable to who we are today, but it felt so natural then and years on that hasn’t changed despite everything 12 yrs throws on a couple. I still feel pretty damn lucky to share this all with you. 

Andrea Bocelli -can’t help falling in love https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SPizIaBPhSg

I’m a believer – smash mouth https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9vn5TKRwYfY
Our wedding songs Can’t help falling in love as we walked in and I’m a believer as we walked out. What a wonderful day it was. I just wish I could remember more of it but the rush of adrenaline and excitement stole most of the memories. Still I remember everyone being joyous and what more could we want. 

Counting stars- One republic https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg 
This song alway takes me back to Hal and I been married one year, even my anniversary bracelet was originally engraved with ‘counting stars together’ in reference to the song but also to us counting years that we commemorate with a small diamond each year added to the bracelet. Hence why the laser engraving has been lost from annual polishing. Something for the to do list I think. 

Jess Glyne- Rather be 

Is my Aydi song, I would dance around to it lots when I was pregnant with him and it always feels like our song. Every time I hear it now I remember being pregnant and how there really wasn’t anywhere I would rather be than with this little bundle growing and kicking inside me, and all the wonder, magic and excitement that time held. 

Kygo- Firestone

My bump # 2 song. This is the song that makes me want to dance uncontrollably in this pregnancy, perhaps more clubby and out there than the others but this is the song that makes me feel great right now. Lyrically perhaps not as significant as others but it’s just so motivating and this mama needs some serious energy and motivation to function with a toddler and growing child. So sorry littlest pea your stuck with this one. And you do light up my world already tiny one. X