These month-iversaries seem to creep up on me faster and faster and i can’t help getting nostalgic about how much my little boy has grown. This month seems to have been filled with him being poorly but i guess that comes with being a toddler and attracting any and every germ/virus in a air.

Other than the continued love of singing, I have noticed his new interest in speaking in a made up language from time to time which is extremely cute. Unless of course he thinks he is saying something and I am just not getting it. Also very possible! He is a little parrot and a bit of a clown which is hugely entertaining at the most unexpected times when he seems to recycle things he has heard or seen and reenact them for us. For example on the weekend whilst walking around locally i accidentally stepped in bird droppings and dragged my shoe across the street rather flamboyantly and stated with a tone of genuine annoyance ‘what’s wrong with mummy!!!’ which he thought was hilarious and reenacted it repeatedly, with the foot dragging on the floor included, throughout the following 2 days. Well that had Hal and I in stitches. Thank you gorgeous boy for making even stepping in poo memorable.

And a little video of extra cuteness….