My little girl arrived on Saturday 20th May 2017 at 16:59pm this little lady weighed in at 3.5kg and 52cm long. Induced one week later than her brother almost 3 years ago this girlie was both heavier and longer. And she came in much more of a rush! 

After many delays at Chelsea & Westminster and going from being induced at midday to 6pm to finally 10:15pm when it was finally done. The contractions started early on Saturday, at 4am I was 3cm and by 10am I was ready for pain relief, the contractions were coming often and stronger each time. The pessary was removed to try and reduce contractions and I was told no checking would be done until 10pm as they liked to wait till 24hrs from induction. I asked repeatedly for pain relief, just before 5pm I was in a lot of discomfort and felt ready to push. After a quick trip to the loo where I failed to pee though I felt the urge to, I remembered the same happened with the first labour so I panicked as my waters were yet to burst and I had no idea if I was dilated enough. I got back on the bed in the ward and could not avoid pushing, I warned Hal this girl was coming and begged him to push the alarm and not leave me, I was not letting go of him anyway! In a crazy rush my waters burst and finally the midwives were reacting to the alarm call. A wheelchair arrived and though I don’t know how I managed to get on and off it in the labour room I do recall the breeze as I was dashed through the ward at top speed. I had no more than 4 minutes in the labour room before baby girl appeared a couple of puffs of gas and air was all I had time for. Baby girl was born and behind the scenes panick continued as she did not breath initially, the minutes after birth were rushed too, the umbilical was cut in a hurry and then as she was placed on the bed to have all the checks done, the doctor called for back up again as she could not clear the airways of mucus. Luckily it was seconds I was blissfully unaware, all I could think was she was finally out and the pain was over! 

This beautiful girl was put in my arms and suckling immediately, after a while it was just the 3 of us in the room surrounded by calm energy and just like that I was the exhausted but ecstatic mother of 2 gorgeous babies.