3 years old in one month seems crazy to me that I could have such a big handsome boy. On his 35th Month we started potty training and realised it will be a slow process! Aydin is developing his language skills and has realised he has 3 languages to conquer so like a sponge he absorbs words in all 3 identifying which is which. He even goes as far as inventing his own words if he does not know the Turkish/ Spanish version. So we will say what’s cat in Turkish and he will respond Cat-on and so forth adding ‘on’ at the end of any English word which is adorable but sadly not Turkish. I am with you Aydin that version of Turkish would be a breeze! Mouseon, cowon, horseon I could totally get on board with that. His English is also improving with more effort to form actual sentences, as for numbers I don’t know this boys limit. Clearly 1-100 in English, Spanish and Turkish is easy! He surprises everyday my little genius. X