For the last few weeks he has been saying he will be 3 and since we celebrated mine and Hal's birthday he has learnt to say happy birthday. He requested cake for his birthday which of course we could provide.

It breaks my heart to see this gorgeous boy being so independent and grown up, how can this be my boy? When did this all happen? I frequently scroll through my phone pictures or look at photos around the house and struggle to believe how time has flown and how we got from newborn Aydi to this boy who can tell us what he wants which undoubtedly will involve either numbers, smoothies, kitchens (meaning coffee shops) or slides. The love for numbers to my surprise has not dwindled nor has the urge to take every possible toy out and throw it on the floor only to lose interest in it once it's out. The obsession with the laundry is still strong and the love of me reading to him.

He has recently become more accepting of Amber and loves looking at her and having her close so he can play with her hands and give her kisses. I think these two will be great friends if Ambers smiles when he is close are anything to go by.

I am amazed how much his vocabulary has expanded in what seems like a few weeks to the extent that we get full sentences not just words. I love his enthusiasm for learning and his memory recall which at times seems unbelievable.

I am so proud that I could have had any involvement in producing a boy that is so intelligent, healthy and handsome. Just don’t grow up so quickly beautiful boy, let mama enjoy you while you are this cute.

These pictures below are the official unplanned birthday celebrations thanks to GlamMa Lil who made it feel special with the ballon and gifts. Xx