Unbelievably you turned 1! 

1 whole year in my life with very few moments of rest and lots of beautiful memories.  

My little boy you have gone through such a transformation from helpless baby to independent little boy. I fall in love with you more and more each day. I am totally crazy about your little personality and how it slowly starts to become apparent in your everyday activity. Like wanting to eat your all your avocado before anything else is allowed to go in your mouth. Or insisting repeatedly on which direction you want to walk in regardless of my best attempts to sway you back to the living room. Or your obsession with pop up books/ flip books or failing this Room on the broom is the only one permitted at nap and bed times.
Here’s to the many wonderful moments that are yet to come and I dream of having with you. X

baby no more!

Mr serious


lovely curls


eating or T.Dixon bench.


cruising around


come on!!




boat positioned nicely