My adorable little guy turned 14 months in a blink of an eye since turning 1!!! I knew this would happen!!! Arghhhh pesky time always speeding up on me. Look at this boy, is it any wonder I am nuts about him, even though he has turned my life as I knew it upside down. 

So at 14 months he is steadily becoming a very stubborn impatient little boy. If he does not get his way or gets bored all hell breaks loose. No more nice coffee shop breaks together happily eating breadsticks on his high chair. Now I can just about order the coffee and he has had enough of the venue. Kicking up a fuss if carried, if fed, if given toys and if left on the high chair. It’s a no win situation. Bring back easy coffee times together, I didn’t make the most of these! 

Well while I am on this topic I haven’t made enough of any moment or any stage because I have found everything about this new stage in my life terrifying, scary and lonely. I struggle daily (even 14 months on) on how my life has changed. I wish for one day in the life of old me but of course who wants that when this little boy is the centre of new me. But see the struggle is that’s all I know about new me, she is a mum and it ends there. She is a mum with no energy for anything else but a huge need for more. I feel like I need to go back to the drawing board and start from scratch to get to a point where I am more than a mum and I do more things that make me happy or make me feel normal. By normal I mean someone who has hobbies, likes and dislikes.