We spent Christmas at my mums which meant we could actually spend maximum family time with minimal bed time interruptions. Aydin discovered the stairs and it meant all 4 days that was his mission by the end of our stay he was climbing them all the way to the top and loving it. It meant zero relaxation for at least one family member but it was this or an extremely annoyed little man.
 He is really loving being on his feet now and no longer aims for us which just shows his new found confidence. He is roaming around freely and happily falling on mums soft carpet it must be better than our hardwood floors so we let him make the most of it. 
Presents and food were abundant at mums which lets face it is the focus of this time of year. They made an appearance daily which is my idea of heaven. Yes, that’s right, for me heaven must be a roast potato filled otherwise I have gone to the wrong place! The 24th & 26th were spent with our Ewa and Randy another absolute must! I do wonder what I would do without these 2, though since motherhood smacked me in the face I have hardly seen them which is a huge sore point for me.

Shocking but the only picture I have of these two beauties and it doesn’t do them any justice hahahah.


The rest of my Christmas 2015 pictures are variations of these below …..


Look how he’s grown in 1 year!!!!