Second half of our time at the summerhouse. I think I finally got into the rhythm of things here and feel a bit more relaxed. While entertaining Aydi with a view of the trees and flowers Hal caught these few pictures which have become my favorite pictures so far of us.

Me and Aydi, there aren’t many pictures of us, I think it’s mainly pictures of Aydin alone or Aydin with Halil but this picture and the one below I am totally in love with. They just captured the moment so well. 

Little boy you melt my heart daily

Reflecting on the huge wave of change that has poured over our lives since Aydi arrived.

Mr giggles ( trying to get a photo of those top teeth is not easy, this blurry shot was the most we managed)

Seriously how long have we been in Turkey? Aydi seems to have grown up a lot, suddenly his face is less like a baby more like a toddler. 

Managed a couple of dips in the sea and I think Aydi enjoyed the experience.

By the end of the week Auntie Sevims family had arrived and we were getting ready to head on our 4 hour road trip to the village (karakoy).

Here’s a few of how most of the time with family is spent. 1st eating, 2nd never letting go of Aydi and 3rd sitting on the swing. 🙂