It’s a trip both Hal and I wished to never repeat again! We collected Aydi at 5pm and started our journey with a 1hr bus ride to Liverpool Street, 2hr wait for the train , 1.5hr train journey to Harwich.  An extremely unhappy baby on a train that had no buggy space other than by the toilets which were constantly in use by what seemed like a train load of drunk commuters poor Aydin finally gave up moaning and slept at 9:45pm. Then our stress levels were elevated by the realisation that we might miss the ferry boarding after all the drama we had dealt with so far it felt like a potential slap in the face. 

We did make it by the skin of our noses, we are the last to board 30 minutes before the ferries departure time. 

These picture are of the morning after all this, we still couldnt believe we had not died of heart failure the night before.