This weekend was a mixed bag! Saturday was a lovely family day at Battersea park and a good lunch at grandmas. It ended with no cause for concern. Sunday on the other hand, was truly waking up on the wrong side of bed. At times so chaotic and catastrophic I wondered if I was even in the right house! The weather was awful, when we finally made it out tempers were well and truly flaring from every family member (smallest especially). 2 attempts at leaving the house and the tension could have caused actual earthquakes! Serious stuff!! Everything settled nicely till the afternoon when grandma popped round and the flare was lit! One stormy exit and pantomium hit the yildirim-Herrera household. Grandma may have thought her exit ended proceedings but little did she know that her exit was like throwing the match and running for cover. Sometimes families really are our biggest problem! Everything settled quickly but Sunday was just a rotten fruit in the weekend bowl. I spent my evening getting soaked another couple of times while journeying to the cinema with Ewa to see me Me before you. Lovely heartbreaking, uplifting, bittersweet movie. Still cried a few times even though I knew the story well. 

 Here are the nice bits because that’s all that truly matters in the end.