This week we officially started our sleep training programme courtesy of Hannah Love from yummy baby group. Much to my relief this is not a harsh change for anyone, us or Aydin, that said it isn’t easy peasy either. 

Initially the main thing is to establish a feeding schedule that seperates feeds and naps. No more nursing my little one too sleep, as beautiful as this is. No more feeding on demand, I miss been able to give him my breast which seemed to sort everything out. As Hannah says he has been getting the boob when tired, bored and hungry. Well this is no longer the way. 
Now he feeds approximately every 3 hrs and naps when he shows signs of tiredness (about every 2-3 hrs). So that’s the day routine tackled and I must say other than checking the clock more than usual it has been very doable. 
Next, we began to tackle how he sleeps- on the boob, chest carrier or our chest- again this is no more. Now he must be bounced horizontally to sleep and ideally placed on cushions on our lap or by our side. Still at the on lap phase but he is sleeping horizontally which is definite progress. On Thursday we even managed 2 naps like this without bouncing, white noise or comforter. All it took was holding him, he put his thumb in his mouth and bang asleep. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. 
Fingers crossed the improvements continue. 
Another battle we face later is the pushchair phobia. It is something that is really making going out for longer trips difficult. There is only so much I can carry 8+ kg around for and it would be nice to get a rest from this every now and then. 

Sleep training step one

Thumb sucking to sleep
Start of sleep training
Smiling at the tv faces
My boys
Chubby boy
Hey sailor

My little elf