Aydi’s 1st Christmas!
I was so worried that it would all be too much for Aydi, especially the 24th as we were starting at 7pm (almost his bedtime). I was concerned he would be really cranky and miserable if he didn’t sleep but incredibly he enjoyed all the festivities and was happy all the way till the end. 
We had a lovely 2 days full of wonderful memories to look back on and remember.

Here is the most wonderful gift life has given us so far! 

Baby Santa being an absolute angel
Our happy Santa enjoying a little glide around the living room 
HO HO HO Merry Christmas!
Santa and the girls 
Santa and his little helper

Little snap with mama looking a bit more human (not in pjs and looking exhausted)

Auntie Ewa 

Grandma Lily

Yummiest turkey in the history of turkey. Well done grandma!!
Hmmmmmm I wouldn’t mind more turkey. 
Our cute little desert cupcakes

Silliness, always needed 

A little family shot. 

It would seem we were al very good this year because we received many wonderful gifts and all felt spoiled.