Aydin met his turkish family this week. Grandma, grandpa, uncle, auntie and cousin. It’s an overwhelming experience for such a little boy but he adapted well. There was a bit of searching round the room for me or daddy which was very sweet.
I see now that holidays with little ones are more exhausting than been home all day alone with one. He struggled to sleep and I had to survive on minimal shut eye. 
It was a combination of- blocked nose, cough, strange environment, noise, maybe growth spurts, maybe wonder week, maybe teething- who knows what but it was a tough few days of me.
Nonetheless he got to meet more of his family and they got to enjoy a few days with him. 
By Wednesday we were back home enjoy the calm of our little flat. The week was rounded of with a visit from grandma lily who had clearly been missing her handsome grandson. 
Aydin meets grandpa Kazim
The boys with grandpa

Grandma Dudu

Little angel
Baby selfie with grandma and uncle in the background
More quality time with grandparents

We are getting many more smiles
Heart melting
The boys story time back @ home 
I think we got a slight giggle, or the beginning of one.

My little one is 4 months old!!!

Met Auntie Tuba for coffee
My goodness he looks lovely in yellow
Look at those legs!!!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Goodnight kisses x