In retrospect we had some lovely moments on holiday but in the moment it felt like a lot of the time we were going from tantrum to tantrum, lots of screaming and tears.(not all from Aydin by the way!!)

Obviously the pictures below capture all the ups as the downs rarely get catalogued because those quickly get erased from our memories, luckily. Aydin wanted to play around parked cars non stop till his hands were totally black or watch Peppa Pig which really tested everyone’s patience. Since we got back home we have gone a Peppa pig detox! Not sure what made him such a nightmare as being back home he is back to being my lovely happy boy but just to be on the safe side no holidays until he is at least 18! 

Already struggling with the idea of a holiday 

Peppa pig makes her damned entrance and then like heroin my son was hooked

Snacking because what else can you do on the plane

Cutie pie

Garden fun how cute are our shoes like this

He touched each of these a billion times on various days

Peek a boo around cars, another holiday obsession 

Could have put millions of these photos 

Another cutie pie shot

Fine dining

Sorry cutie pie again!

Getting ready for a ride with daddy

Nap on daddy

Not enough, so napping on mama

Beach fun 

Lots of little puddles 

Soaking his clothes in order to wear a t-shirt dress

Yep, wearing my top as a dress because his clothes were soaked. 

Look at that sweet boys smile

Best shots of the holiday, the sky couldn’t be bluer!!