This week my little Aydi had a difficult session at the osteopath and by Thursday had come down with a cold. He was due to have his final round of vaccinations which had to be cancelled as he already had a high temperature.  
Things were looking doubtful for our ferry trip to visit the in laws but after a night of worrying his temperature returned to normal( was 38.1 at one point) and we decided it would be ok to go. He slept the whole hour bus journey and the rest if the journey he was well behaved. First bit of the journey was pretty smooth despite my initial nerves.
Aydin is focusing a lot more now. Look at those eyes.
He had about 5 new scratches that morning. 
What lovely lips my boy has. 🙂
Practically bold now, where did all that hair go?
On the train Liverpool st – harwich international 
On his buggy with pi-rat

Good morning from hook van holland. 🙂