Aydin was 23 months old on Monday unfortunately we had a bit of a scary experience with him on the Monday evening so posting was not really possible. But now that everything is back on track and we have no more crazy high temperature, I can post.

So, 23 months and the vocabulary is still expanding we now say cuidado, aguacate, avocado (previously cado) like this, daddy wake up, where’s daddy, mami tired, his favorite ok…..no! Funny that he should know mami tired and daddy wake up. Hahahah

Song repertoire has extended to:

X’s and O’s by Elle King – ‘like X’s and O’s’ is all he says really but loves me singing it to him.

Tina Turners what love got to do with it- ‘got to do, got to do’ is all he repeats but it’s another firm favorite.