Our lovely childminder made this before leaving us for the summer. It made me a little teary because it reminded me of school photos and I suddenly was struck by the fact that my little boy won’t be little for long, he has already grown up so much from that teeny tiny helpless baby that came out of me. Time please slow down I don’t want to wake up and have a teenage boy or worse an adult son.

Look at him all tiny on the far right, I could eat him! Is it possible to love more? Everyday I feel like I manage to out do the previous day’s maximum love. My heart might burst with this boy this level of adoration can’t be healthy! Right? It must start to even out at some point. Maybe that’s what teenage years are for,  to rein back that love and maybe hate your kids a little, regain some balance.

Here’s to a nice family weekend producing more loving feeling