Random pics

Random pics

A few fun pictures we sent daddy during the day because this boy is too handsome not to. 

Morden park hall and local swings weekend

Morden park hall and local swings weekend

We spent Saturday morning at Morden park hall exploring the park, playing, enjoying the garden centre, aquarium and surprisingly the shed shop! Who would have thought this boy would enjoy sheds so much! He stomped around inside each one enjoying the sound of the shed floor under his feet. I fell head over heels for real life tiny clown fish at the aquarium unbelievably cute. Just like finding Nemo. 


One month to go and boy I can feel it!

One month to go and boy I can feel it!

This time round there was no time for those monthly belly growth photos and before we knew it we got this far into the pregnancy and it was too late. So here is a rare 2nd pregnancy photo. Sorry baby girl you won’t have many pictures in mamas tummy to look at. Once you are out I am sure we will make up for it!

Local walks with Aydin 

Local walks with Aydin 

When he is this jolly who can resist him? Typical trip involves stopping and checking every door number, closing every gate and touching most cars. Impossible to go anywhere quickly but I love how much pleasure he gets out of it. This boy makes my heart melt. 

Lunch with the girls

Lunch with the girls

Every 6 months or so I catch up with these lovely blondes over lunch and get up to date on all the latest things going on in their lives. They always send me home feeling that bit lighter and that bit more me for getting away from just being mum! Even if it’s only for a few hours. 

Rainy day in a shopping centre

Rainy day in a shopping centre

I can’t believe this was our first time with Aydin in a shopping centre. Why have we not done this before? What a way to spend a rainy day, indoors without being stuck at home :). Good alternative to museums, coffee shop and library as Aydin could run around, look at shops, stop for lunch and coffee all in one place.

Testing the toys and then leaving the store without spending money…

Enjoying the little bus without even having to put money in, yep we are that cheap!

Night time routine revamp

Night time routine revamp

After hellish early wake ups and all number of bottles consumed at night resulting in various nappy changes we went cold turkey with the milk. 

No more milk at night, no more bottle to bed instead a babycino followed by a tooth brushing session and books. After a rough first night Aydin has settled into this routine rather well.

The novelity of brushing his teeth in the bathroom has really helped this transition. Look at these two having fun… 

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

I decided for Mothers Day to make a quick escape to the peace and quiet of my mums with the hope of getting a lovely rest and lay in. Plus the added bonus of quality time with both mum and Ewa. We had a late dinner together a bit of a catch up and bed. we are far too civilised or boring one of the two.


On Mothers Day I woke early as expected, had breakfast with the girls and then mum and I drove back to mine to collect the boys and hit the park nice and early.  Love seeing his happy little face in the park on a sunny day, come on spring!!!


Followed by what we hoped would be a relaxed lunch for the 3 of us but turned into a tantrum filled nightmare of a rushed lunch. I guess this is standard with an unreliably bonkers toddler that can make anything a drama. You wouldn’t believe it from these pictures but he was an epic pain in the butt! Only grandma kept a calm, positive attitude while I begged internally for the world to swallow us up. The joys of parenthood can sometime elude me totally! Aydin is lucky he is so gorgeous because not many would get away with this behavior.