Teeny hands and toes ❤️

Teeny hands and toes ❤️

Can you tell my favorite bits of newborns? I could eat those little hands and toes! Why must they grow up so quickly. I want to cuddle this tiny bundle forever! Ok maybe not forever because they are exhausting but just a bit more.

Southbank sun

Southbank sun

On the weekend we spent the day at the southbank, wondering Borough market only to wake up on Sunday and hear that that same evening 3 terrorists decided to launch an attack on innocent people enjoying an evening dining and socialising. How terrifying it must have been for everyone there, the mere thought of us being there with both our little ones hours before sent a shiver down my spine. How sad that we must all go around wondering where and when the next atrocity will be and whether someone we know or love will be affected by these few misguided individuals. These things are becoming all too common my poor kids what sort of world will they grow up in?

Getting acquainted

Getting acquainted

We introduced you to some of the friends and family, all of who went goo goo for you and we continued to become used to your company in our little crazy household. You have totally completed this household and we are bonkers about you already. 

Your brother is constantly looking at you and saying ‘my baby sister’ and touching and kissing you whenever he can get close enough. This melts my heart as my biggest joy was the thought of you both being close. I know it’s early days but he doesn’t seem angry or jealous and always looks for you when he gets home from outside.

Bonding in hospital

Bonding in hospital

Baby girl and I spent a couple of extra days in hospital and though I missed my boy and looked forward to heading home and giving him the biggest cuddle ever I was glad to get a few slow days bonding with this new little cherub! 

This time round I want to feel, enjoy and appreciate every moment because from experience with Aydin these moments fly by and before we know it she will be sitting up, walking, talking and being independent and this teeny tiny phase won’t even be remembered. Plus once home Aydin will be the focus!  So let’s dive deep in all this cuteness now!

First wonderful moments

First wonderful moments

These first moments are so magical, suddenly you feel like nothing exists outside that room and your whole world shifts a little to orbit around this new wonderful little person. Your eyes drink up every single movement, expression and tiny detail with insatiable hunger because it still doesn’t sink in that this is something you helped create and no matter how imperfect we think we are we create these angels. 

The pain and exhaustion that absorbed you so fully during labour disappears and the awe of new life bathes all your senses.  Something that a few moments ago didn’t exist becomes the epicentre of everything and this time I felt every moment of it. With Aydin all this took days to sink in and those first moments were a blur of disbelief and an overall numb experience of your emotions not quiet catching up with what was going on. This time around emotionally we did our best to be in the moment. 

Welcome baby girl!

Welcome baby girl!

My little girl arrived on Saturday 20th May 2017 at 16:59pm this little lady weighed in at 3.5kg and 52cm long. Induced one week later than her brother almost 3 years ago this girlie was both heavier and longer. And she came in much more of a rush! 

After many delays at Chelsea & Westminster and going from being induced at midday to 6pm to finally 10:15pm when it was finally done. The contractions started early on Saturday, at 4am I was 3cm and by 10am I was ready for pain relief, the contractions were coming often and stronger each time. The pessary was removed to try and reduce contractions and I was told no checking would be done until 10pm as they liked to wait till 24hrs from induction. I asked repeatedly for pain relief, just before 5pm I was in a lot of discomfort and felt ready to push. After a quick trip to the loo where I failed to pee though I felt the urge to, I remembered the same happened with the first labour so I panicked as my waters were yet to burst and I had no idea if I was dilated enough. I got back on the bed in the ward and could not avoid pushing, I warned Hal this girl was coming and begged him to push the alarm and not leave me, I was not letting go of him anyway! In a crazy rush my waters burst and finally the midwives were reacting to the alarm call. A wheelchair arrived and though I don’t know how I managed to get on and off it in the labour room I do recall the breeze as I was dashed through the ward at top speed. I had no more than 4 minutes in the labour room before baby girl appeared a couple of puffs of gas and air was all I had time for. Baby girl was born and behind the scenes panick continued as she did not breath initially, the minutes after birth were rushed too, the umbilical was cut in a hurry and then as she was placed on the bed to have all the checks done, the doctor called for back up again as she could not clear the airways of mucus. Luckily it was seconds I was blissfully unaware, all I could think was she was finally out and the pain was over! 

This beautiful girl was put in my arms and suckling immediately, after a while it was just the 3 of us in the room surrounded by calm energy and just like that I was the exhausted but ecstatic mother of 2 gorgeous babies. 

32 & 33 months

32 & 33 months

Aydin is at such a lovely stage of toddlerhood he is so happy and receptive to everything around him. He is friendly and loveable with everyone and extra cute with Hal and I which is a dream. He seems better at controlling his moods and communicating his needs which make life with him just that much easier. These pictures really show the happy gorgeous boy we are lucky to call ours. That face makes my heart burst. 

A few days to go

A few days to go

Can’t believe this stage is nearly over and I will soon be holding this baby girl. Though giving birth fills me with fear I know it will all be worth it once she is in my arms.

I have no doubts I will miss this belly, though it gets in the way, weighs me down and makes me exhausted. I love feeling her move and being reminded of just how magical this all is. I could have all the science behind it explained to me and it still seems incredible that all of this is even possible and second time round it seems even more amazing and a bigger blessing still because I already have this gorgeous toddler. I will see you in a few days little lady!

Streatham annual kite show

Streatham annual kite show

Lots of beautiful kites at the show this year. We had a short visit of the park in the afternoon and had a little run around with this little terror. The giant superman was particularly spectacular.

And as usual a visit to the local playground…