Little Aydi & Big Ben

Little Aydi & Big Ben

We had our annual allergy appointment at St Thomas hospital which meant we were in this lovely bit of London so why not take a few minutes to be a tourist in our city?

Here we go…

Oh and this is the only snap of another Ikea trip without Aydi…
Ambers 4th Month

Ambers 4th Month

This smiley little bundle of gorgeousness is now 4 months old and enjoying rolling from her front to back and vice versa. As well as tucking her little legs under her tummy, I fear this one will be on the move sooner than her brother. I am visualising two kids running in opposite directions and having to decide which one is in more imminent danger, so I am extremely terrified! Take it slow little girl!

Lazy Weekend

Lazy Weekend

Kept it local this weekend with the little ones but managed to get away from the boys and meet Ewa for lunch= happy me! 🙂 And Aydi helped me vacuuming yeppy, bring on the cleaning skills!!

Quiet Weekend & a trip to IKEA

Quiet Weekend & a trip to IKEA

Friday with the kids was a quiet rainy affair but Saturday with a trip to IKEA was all action. Aydi had grandma sprinting around and trying to control all chaos. Sunday was a bit more chilled with a trip to the swings with grandma and Luca aka Ruka! 🙂

Below are the best pics from the weekend madness!

Fridays with Aydi & Ambi

Fridays with Aydi & Ambi

When Ambi is at he reach she does not get a break from this little guy. Start of with kisses and cuddle and slowly get out of control to almost squashing but look how lovely they are together making this mamas heart burst with love. Here’s hoping they always love each other and support each other.

Also a quick shot of Aydi taking his winter coat for a test run, turned out to be extremely handy when we got drenched returning from playgroup.

Random cuteness

Random cuteness

Can’t resist posting this lovely pictures this beautiful daughter of mine is so loved, how could I resist a few pics….

Time for my close up?

Time for my close up?

Just another mama photo shoot with one of her favourite models, who thought loving this much second time round would be possible!

Aydis 3rd birthday celebrations

Aydis 3rd birthday celebrations

Loving the celebrations with the family and friends and I think everyone loved seeing my kiddos and cuddling little Amber. We are all making the most of her diminutive size.

Look how Aydi enjoyed his second birthday cake so far in the last few days, this was a carrot cake and strawberry treat and it was very tasty thanks again GlamMa you are much loved.

via PressSync

Aydi 35 months

Aydi 35 months

3 years old in one month seems crazy to me that I could have such a big handsome boy. On his 35th Month we started potty training and realised it will be a slow process! Aydin is developing his language skills and has realised he has 3 languages to conquer so like a sponge he absorbs words in all 3 identifying which is which. He even goes as far as inventing his own words if he does not know the Turkish/ Spanish version. So we will say what’s cat in Turkish and he will respond Cat-on and so forth adding ‘on’ at the end of any English word which is adorable but sadly not Turkish. I am with you Aydin that version of Turkish would be a breeze! Mouseon, cowon, horseon I could totally get on board with that. His English is also improving with more effort to form actual sentences, as for numbers I don’t know this boys limit. Clearly 1-100 in English, Spanish and Turkish is easy! He surprises everyday my little genius. X