Life recently

Life recently

It is tricky to write on here as so much time has been spent doing the same again and again this year of lockdown. With no options of the table our little flat, our little bubble, is always experiencing lots of highs and some lows as we get ratty with each other because well i guess there are moments we have all had enough and would love to just be left alone!

On the other hand I am so grateful for so many things ranging from the big things – our good health and our extended families health throughout all this. To tiny things like those many moments of just sitting together at home with no rushing, no plan, nothing to take us away from just being. I think all of us have hopefully taken a bit of good from all this.

I am so thankful-

we have our little chaotic flat where we all feel save and loved

we have had all those extra cuddles on the sofa, those extra hours in our pjyamas because we just could

we have sat and had all the many breakfasts, lunches and dinners as a complete family no one missing because of work/school

we have had Hal home and the kids are having this unexpected additional quality time with him and him with them

we have all grown so much from tiny Flori to Hal and I starting to focus on things we feel we need

I have lost a bit of the panick being stuck at home with kids use to produce

i have learnt to deal better with not knowing and being able to prepare

I am nervous about how things will change again because i guess eventually Hal will go back to work and us being together being with the kids and caring for them our self won’t be possible. I worry about how we will all adjust again, undoubtedly we will but, what will it be like then and will we be happy with however that will be? I guess there isn’t a lot of sense in thinking all this because who knows? But if i am honest it does worry me.

Anyway right now, today we are great and everyone is content. What more could I want for my gang?

Flori at 14 months

Flori at 14 months

At 14 months Flori is so much part of the gang she adores Aydi entertaining her and shouting with her. Loves a cuddle with her sister, loves smooching and is generally a joy around the house. Climbing onto furniture and trying to climb out of the high chair is the new game which terrifies me daily! Like her siblings she has a way of making every morning beautiful with her kisses and smiles as soon as she opens her eyes, wiping away a lot of the exhaustion of constant night feeds and sore muscles even if only for a few minutes. Her expressions and reactions are so wonderfully exaggerated and spontaneous that I find I could stare at her all day. In Aydins words ‘she is so cute when she is angry.’ Flori my 3rd beam of pure sunlight you are wonderful and loved by all of us so much, I hope we make that clear for your 1 year old understanding. I suspect we do 🙂

Weekend in feb

Weekend in feb

We spent a pretty chilled and rather chilly weekend all together of just enjoying each others company. With I small venture outside to just get fresh air and move around. One of the hardest things in lockdown is the lack of opportunities to walk around as we try to avoid seeing others and going anywhere. So we fed the kids an unhealthy but different lunch of chips and nuggets on the street watching the world go by which feels fun in these times.

More eating, it feel like the weekend had lots of eating or at least lots of photos of eating which perhaps shows how little we got up to really. On a positive note we are all fit and healthy and happy, what more could we want.

Doc Amber / Dentist

Doc Amber / Dentist

Our little Amber loves playing Doctors and checking we are all fit and healthy. Luckily Gran gran has a clean bill of health according to her expert opinion. It is wonderful to see how they grow and develop their imagination and the intelligence, eagerness to learn and copy what they see. We love you so fiercely Amber.

Let it Snow, Let it snow

Let it Snow, Let it snow

We have become the biggest Frozen fans of all time I fear, even Flori joins our attempts at singing all the songs. I would not be surprised if it has caused various neighbours to consider moving not just to a different building but perhaps a different Borough altogether. We certainly put our hearts into belting out every tune in our loudest voice, unashamedly Hal and I are perhaps the loudest and most disruptive when we really unleash our theatrical side. But it is these moments when i look around and think to myself this, right now, is what i want them to remember, this is what I want them to harp back to when they have any tiny wavering doubt that we loved them or when they question their worth in any way. We love these three with an intensity that i could never have imagined and each of them is spectacular in every possible way.

So to get back to this post, when we had a glimpse of snow it was like we were in Arrendelle and it was magical and beautiful and for those few minutes that we marveled in the light dusting of snow we made more family magic and memories to treasure. Oh and of course we tried to create our own Olaf in a rush, it was pretty cold! So that’s our Olaf with a pepper nose because we had no carrots. But that’s just what we do, we adapt and this Olaf was good enough to fill them with joy. 🙂

Our girls

Our girls

Is there anything sweeter than seeing them together being loving to each other? It makes all the effort of having them totally worth it. When I look at how much these kids love each other it makes me feel so proud and happy that they have their best buddies with them always. Let’s just hope they like each other through all stages of growing up and take care of each other.

Amber your 3 today!

Amber your 3 today!

You woke to 3 your usual lovely self with a thank you mummy after we sang happy birthday and when you saw the decorations. By the evening you were demanding more gifts and even telling us some were not nice enough😆. Not to mention how you refused to share anything with Aydi. From angel to diva in one day but it was your special day so we let you enjoy it. Aydi also played his role asking every few minutes if you could open more gifts while I did my best to spread things out throughout the whole day to keep the magic alive and give each present a bit of attention. Your birthday under normal circumstances would have been spent in grannies garden with a few others but this one was just us and grannies so it was fairly relaxed. You probably won’t even remember this birthday but all we ever really want on your special day and every day really is for you to feel loved and realise you, your brother and sister are our world and we love you so much.
Happy Birthday Ambi

Happy Birthday Ambi

My sweet sunshine, today you turned 3! I don’t know where to begin to express how much I love you. From the moment you were born you have been a complete joy, your large round eyes, those beautiful lips and enormous wonderful smile. Which is still as infectious, if not more now that your funny and cheeky personality colour it ever more. You have brought us so much joy daily with your happy disposition, you do everything with so much energy and bounce it’s hard to take our attention away from your wonderful facial expressions, reactions and attitude to everything.

You are so caring trying to cheer up any unhappy moment, dissipate any anger and nurse any tear. You are always looking out for others, but none more than Aydin. You would do anything for Aydin; you will hunt down any toy he wants, make sure he has water or snacks if you have had any, protect him and console him whenever necessary. If Aydin is being told off you go out of the way to distract attention from him. You are his biggest fan and you know what I think he is yours too, I hope the bond between you both is stronger each day because it gives me immense joy that you have each other. Your daddy and I constantly say you 3 are the best thing we could ever have done with our lives and we are forever thankful. You make me proud every day and I look forward to seeing you flourish into your own little person who I anticipate will be a force of nature with a heart of gold. Ambi stay little as long as possible for me my darling. I love you always.

Flori tummy time

Our little one is already giving tummy time a good go lifting that head so well and exploring all her surroundings. I think this little one senses she can’t chill too long there is far to much to explore with her siblings.

Lately with me being unwell with a horrendous cough I am even further behind on everything which is stressing me somewhat. Here’s to catching up, eventually! 😳

Florence Month 3

Florence Month 3

I am in complete disbelief that it has been 3 months since I gave birth to this beautiful little girl. At 3 months we are enjoying the most wonderful smiles, a whole lot of talking and thumb sucking. You enjoy your tummy time and seeing things from different angles. You are certainly a strong girl.

In Ambers words ‘Flori is so chute!’ And she couldn’t be more right!!!! We love you so much Florence!