Typical Thursday

Typical Thursday


Just me and these lovely individuals on a typical Thursday. Come on spring, as lovely as these blue skies I really want some warm weather now!

behind the scenes fun

behind the scenes fun

We have slowly being getting our flat up to scratch for selling and while it was looking at its best for the photographers I took advantage and photographed our little princess….

I am filled with excitement, terror and anticipation with the possible sale of our flat. While I am excited about the prospect of a new adventure it also fills me with dread as now we are 4 and with minimal funds. This little flat never stopped being a DIY project in its 7 years and at least half of the time we weren’t parents so I struggle to understand how we will ever find time to fix a new place. Also, this little flat was where Hal and I became a married couple, became parents and the it’s our first home as a family and for both our kids so the sentimental value is pretty strong. Unfortunately we could not keep it forever. And though I will miss it and always remember it we feel this is the time to move before school starts for our littles. Hopefully we will make it through this lengthy process ahead. Worse comes to worse we don’t sell and that means staying in this lovely flat so that’s not bad at all.

And here is our flat…




Weekend play

Weekend play

The play gets more and more interesting as Ambi becomes more and more mobile. Lots of shouting from me… things along the lines of- GENTLE!!! Be careful!! Watch out!!! But the glimpses of playing nicely together fill me with hope for the future.

Photo session

Photo session

It’s incredible how these little ones become the epicentre of everything. Evolution is clever to make us so adorable as kids so that as a parents we succumb to living every moment with them as the focus and putting them before all other things and people including ourselves and our own needs. 

Rainy weekend

Rainy weekend

Easy weekend at home playing while outside the rain didn’t stop! We even add cake and Aydi pretended it was his birthday.


Ambi 8 Months old

Ambi 8 Months old

This little lady is so fast we are just in awe of how quickly she seems to be developing. I am panicked at the thought of handling her when she is on the move which I fear will be sooner rather than later. At 8 months she eats anything she is given, she crawls like a pro, not even army shuffling anymore. She sits up and is pulling herself to her feet which is not cool!!! Once again please slow down little one, what’s the rush?

Aydi 41 Months

Aydi 41 Months

The brightest boy and such a heart melter. I am getting worried that in a matter of months this little one will be starting school he is still so little! How will he cope??? I know they all do but I can’t imagine him being that independent and doing it all alone, unaided. It makes my heart break seeing him becoming a proper boy not a toddler. So weird that he can be so big and so small all in one.