Boy keeps growing

Boy keeps growing

This boy is so wonderful i can’t believe he is all mine!!! Ok and Hals, but really mainly mine!! Love you Aydi!

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

We celebrated a lovely relaxed mother’s day this year and kept it local.  Amber was a huge hit at our local cafe where we spent a few hours munching yummy snacks…


Life lately….

Life lately….

We were meant to be prepping for Italy but or flights got cancelled so instead we focused fully on the Thames water mess up after the cold the week before burst water pipes galore. This left us with 5 days without water, hence Ambers sink bath when it all felt too much…

 Visited great nana for cuddles… 







Daddy away, then back

Daddy away, then back

Hal had to make a quick visit to Holland and I was left 4 days with the little ones which had it’s up and downs. The days were pretty typical even without daddy but we had one particular night when Aydi woke at 3am after I had just fed amber and settled her from 2.30am, that was it for sleep until 5am when aydi finally decided to continue sleeping. He slept in the middle of my bed with amber and I left in a tiny corner until 6:50. That day was particularly tough but I think as much as kids seem to be unaware of things Aydi knew daddy was missing and it didn’t feel right as he woke that day asking to sleep with daddy. When I explained daddy would be back on Sunday every morning he looked at his watch to check if it was Sunday. On his return when the few minutes of rejection passed, just so daddy knew we weren’t impressed, Aydi was all over daddy.

Look at amber getting more daring by the minute!!

Present from Nine (grandma)

Cake making with Glammi…

swings with baby sis

cutie pie, need I say more…

these boys, how could I not push my way into this love…

the love for these 3 knows no limits!!!

Social weekend

Social weekend

Caught up with Ewa & Randy on the weekend which was so fun. Eat lots, talked and had a giggle. By the end of the day Aydin looked exhausted!!

Mini is 9 months already!!

Mini is 9 months already!!

This girl brings so much joy to our family, she is all smiles! Big wonderful enthusiastic  smiles with mouth wide open, every bit of her face smiles, you can’t help but smile back. When times get a little testing, which is often with a toddler, her smiles really work to dampen the frustration. In 9 short months this girl is most definitely a vital part of our family. She follows Aydin and his path of chaos no matter where he goes, he is most certainly her favourite person and a source of many giggles. Currently she loves when I sing ‘un elefante’, drinking water from an adult bottle, cruising around toys and furniture,  loves Aydis laundry game, hates strangers carrying her but loves studying them from a distance. When held loves poking and pinching anything in her reach.

My littlest one thank you for your patience with me, I know it’s sometimes hard waiting your turn and being endlessly squeezed and cuddled by your brother whether you want it or not. The bottom line is all 3 of us can’t get enough of you and love making you giggle and smile for us. 

My handsome boy is 3.5

My handsome boy is 3.5

Still in awe at how big my boy is now, so and handsome. Now 1 metre tall and so active, i get exhausted just watching him. Lately Aydi is very stubborn and we are having many tantrums, which i hope will settle soon. He can’t see a phone/ipad without wanting to play with it even though all he can do is photos, calculator. We do our best to keep them away put of site but when we fail the screaming starts.  But overall he is a very happy bunny still loving anything with numbers and super clever when it comes to reading, breezing through key stage 1 books before school has even started for him. Our heart melting boy we adore you!!!

Quiet Valentines day

Quiet Valentines day

The extent of our valentine celebration was putting valentines appropriate tops on the kids . Lovely grannie sent them a card each which was lovely to get in the post. Despite the lack of celebration there is alot of love in this little flat! 

Weekend larks

Weekend larks

 Happy to have Mum with us on the weekends, breath of fresh air when parenting gets a bit tiring. 🙂