Our Mr Small

Our Mr Small

We smashed World book day with this stupidly simple outfit. Aydi was over the moon to be Mr small.

Our Gorgeous new addition

Our Gorgeous new addition

After lots of worrying and stressing about; How giving birth this time round would be? When it would happen? What I would do with Amber and Aydin when the moment came? And how they would cope? Things worked out so much better than anticipated.

I woke at 1:50am on the 1st December to mild contractions and quickly became more consistent and out of fear of things progressing quickly, with it being the 3rd. I woke Hal up and quickly decided to call mum to make her way to us. the kids continued to sleep despite as turning lights on and getting things ready to leave. Mum arrived about 40 minutes later by which point the pains were more regular and stronger but still easy to breath through. We got an uber to the hospital and the whole way i was thanking my instincts for leaving when i did as the pains were really building up and on arrival i had to stop walking and hunch over with each pain. Once we worked out how to get into the hospital and where to go, we were greeted in a very quiet calm birthing centre. I was assessed and put into a birthing room by which point i was 5cm and unable to move much from all fours on the floor. The pains had definitely got to an uncomfortable stage there was no denying we had made a good decision, this was no false alarm. Thank goodness for gas and air as this kept the edge of and meant i made it through the birth which quickly progressed and by 6:35am my beautiful baby girl was born. It was not without it’s moment of drama. Is any birth completely drama free? I highly doubt it! This little sweetheart decided to poo on her way out so the last bit of labour was rather panicked and rushed but despite that we both made it through without any problems and were quickly cuddling and feeding somewhat messy from the birth but completely over the moon!

Of my 3 births (still can’t get over the fact i have done this 3 times) this birth was the most focused and mentally strong i have ever been. I managed to go through the whole birth just thinking about how great it was that i was about to meet this wonderful little person who had been sharing my body and kicking me like crazy the last few months. So when she was born the sense of calm and peace was wonderful as well as the fact that we were the only ones in the birth centre on a chilly Sunday morning, watching the sunrise with our beautiful little bundle in a dreamy sort of haze. Time slowed down that morning as we just lay there smiling, the city came to life around us, and we took in the beauty and magic of this 3rd blessing in our little family.

We made it to Wales!

We made it to Wales!

After much deliberation and worry we drove all the way to Wales and it was surprisingly easy! A and A were great on board with only a few complaints and 1 bout of throwing up near the end. But the nightmare motorway way, traffic, screaming unhappy kids we envisaged never happened so we were over the moon for that. The place was easy to find and we got there in good time to settle in on the first day.

Aydi’s 4.5 yrs old

Aydi’s 4.5 yrs old

Our biggest brightest boy who is half way through reception and full of ideas is 4 and a half years old.

Lately he is super funny with his comments, simple things that sound hilarious coming from his mouth. Things like ‘mummy, where’s your brain?’, mummy, nice try! (When I got something wrong), making arguments to get what he wants and just talking like a proper little person. There is no denying our boy is a proper little boy not a baby, not a toddler, but a boy who is becoming more and more eloquent and independent. It’s so wonderful to see but so bittersweet for us as those precious baby years become a blur. You begin to realise why people keep saying; make the most of it, enjoy it, it flies by. But when you’re trapped in the midst of lack of sleep, exhaustion and the monotonous routine of a little one so dependant on you, you fantasies about them reaching all the milestones as soon as possible. Hindsight makes you realise how silly you were to wish any of it away.

Though let’s face it, even at this stage you have moments of wanting to rush through things because they’re tiring, difficult or challenging. I now try to embrace it as much as I can and always keep it in the forefront that everything is temporary the good and the bad, it will all flow and adapt and change. Help Getting Off Drugs & Alcohol..

This is what having a 4.5 year old has done to me! It has made me assess life, how can I have a 4.5 year old? Most days I feel that old myself.

Ambi’s 21 months

Ambi’s 21 months

How is this possibly! My youngest is almost 2! No more babies in our house Hal, how sad! Amber is talking lots more now and randomly repeats words we say. Repertoire includes Peter (Peter rabbit), suter (water), me!, bye, see you, chao, tanku (thank you), night, boo, Archie, say pato, pasta, stick, book, cheese! She is a constant source of happiness in our lives we just can’t get enough.

24th december 2018

24th december 2018

Both Hal and i worked so we didnt plan anything much at all. When we got home we decided to picnic in doors because, why not! It was pretty basic but A and A enjoyed it so it was worth it…

Little dumpling

Little dumpling

This mischievous little angel is all movement and joy. Ambi is so wonderfully independent and happy other than her obsession with breastfeeding she can pretty much entertain herself. Lately fully of new sounds and chirping away. She loves abhorring me birds and dogs. Even saying biiirr biiirrr!!! And wuuuuf wuuuf. I guess slowly the talking will start and like her brother there will be no keeping her quiet. But with that face how can we get annoyed?!