Fun @ Battersea park

Fun @ Battersea park

Discovered the kids play area at Battersea and had a lovely time. We played in the toddler area, we played ball, we played with bubbles, we watched the ducks and we run around.  We went to grandmas for lunch what a day. Love days that go so effortlessly.   



Exploring the zoo @ Battersea Park

Exploring the zoo @ Battersea Park

We braved the threat of rainy weather and went to explore the little zoo at Battersea Park this weekend. Once there it was clear Aydin is still not interested in other animals, his only interest was the swings, some numbers painted on the floor and the play area. Poor lemurs, meerkats, maras and emus did their best to entice him but he could not have been less interested. So no London zoo or aquarium booked any time soon. Most of my pictures seem to be of the backs of animals but I didn’t really get much time to hang around as Aydin rushed us past every animal.







20 months old

20 months old

This boy is constantly blowing our minds with how quickly he learns. He recognises numbers and some letters. He can count from 1-10 in Spanish and English!! He is my first so I don’t know if this is totally normal behaviour but to me he is amazing! And I am blown away each time he learns something new. And looking at these pictures he is so handsome it hurts. I know I am  his mum and of course I would say this but seriously love can’t be that blind!  

Weekend in Rotterdam

Weekend in Rotterdam

Once recovered from the journey we managed to enjoy a little time outside each day during Aydins after noon naps. 

We visited a local supermarket which as usual made me wonder why we are going so wrong in the UK? The rest of Europe makes supermarkets such a joy to be in. You wonder hungrily round lovely, clean, bright, wide aisles of colourfully displayed goods. With so much choice you feel like a kid at a candy shop.     
We walked from Rotterdam suid to Blaak new market which last time we visited was under construction. Unfortunately not the best weather but hey!

Look how crazy this market is! We looked it!











What would parents do without playgroups!!!

What would parents do without playgroups!!!

Sometimes when not much is going on and staying in your local area is the only conceivable option I realise how incredible these little playgroups are for making a day go by pleasantly for both parent and baby/toddler.


Ferry to Holland

Ferry to Holland

  It’s a trip both Hal and I wished to never repeat again! We collected Aydi at 5pm and started our journey with a 1hr bus ride to Liverpool Street, 2hr wait for the train , 1.5hr train journey to Harwich.  An extremely unhappy baby on a train that had no buggy space other than by the toilets which were constantly in use by what seemed like a train load of drunk commuters poor Aydin finally gave up moaning and slept at 9:45pm. Then our stress levels were elevated by the realisation that we might miss the ferry boarding after all the drama we had dealt with so far it felt like a potential slap in the face. 

We did make it by the skin of our noses, we are the last to board 30 minutes before the ferries departure time. 

These picture are of the morning after all this, we still couldnt believe we had not died of heart failure the night before.