Family trip to Il de Re-Part I

Family trip to Il de Re-Part I

In retrospect we had some lovely moments on holiday but in the moment it felt like a lot of the time we were going from tantrum to tantrum, lots of screaming and tears.(not all from Aydin by the way!!)

Obviously the pictures below capture all the ups as the downs rarely get catalogued because those quickly get erased from our memories, luckily. Aydin wanted to play around parked cars non stop till his hands were totally black or watch Peppa Pig which really tested everyone’s patience. Since we got back home we have gone a Peppa pig detox! Not sure what made him such a nightmare as being back home he is back to being my lovely happy boy but just to be on the safe side no holidays until he is at least 18! 

Already struggling with the idea of a holiday 

Peppa pig makes her damned entrance and then like heroin my son was hooked

Snacking because what else can you do on the plane

Cutie pie

Garden fun how cute are our shoes like this

He touched each of these a billion times on various days

Peek a boo around cars, another holiday obsession 

Could have put millions of these photos 

Another cutie pie shot

Fine dining

Sorry cutie pie again!

Getting ready for a ride with daddy

Nap on daddy

Not enough, so napping on mama

Beach fun 

Lots of little puddles 

Soaking his clothes in order to wear a t-shirt dress

Yep, wearing my top as a dress because his clothes were soaked. 

Look at that sweet boys smile

Best shots of the holiday, the sky couldn’t be bluer!!

Morning @ the V&A and lunching @ antipasto

Morning @ the V&A and lunching @ antipasto

I had a Saturday date @ the V&A with the boy and we loved it. Will definitely be going again, I can’t believe it took having a child to get me to these places. We dos a few mama and baby selfies which are just irresistible. Then we met grandma for lunch and lucky me I got to eat while the boy slept. Oh the joy of a sleeping baby.

22 months old!!!!

22 months old!!!!

Well we now sing, her are a few favourites: 

Twinkle twinkle / Ali babanum /Un pato / Alphabet/ Big ballon 

He really is building an impressive repertoire! Shame most of the practise sessions are at bedtime when all that’s wanted is peace and quiet. 

Hard not to love this face and want to fill it full of kisses. Oh that’s the other new thing, he kisses!! And I got lots of wonderful smooches. I felt so over the moon I didn’t care that it meant he avoided sleeping by doing this. 

Weekend mixed bag

Weekend mixed bag

This weekend was a mixed bag! Saturday was a lovely family day at Battersea park and a good lunch at grandmas. It ended with no cause for concern. Sunday on the other hand, was truly waking up on the wrong side of bed. At times so chaotic and catastrophic I wondered if I was even in the right house! The weather was awful, when we finally made it out tempers were well and truly flaring from every family member (smallest especially). 2 attempts at leaving the house and the tension could have caused actual earthquakes! Serious stuff!! Everything settled nicely till the afternoon when grandma popped round and the flare was lit! One stormy exit and pantomium hit the yildirim-Herrera household. Grandma may have thought her exit ended proceedings but little did she know that her exit was like throwing the match and running for cover. Sometimes families really are our biggest problem! Everything settled quickly but Sunday was just a rotten fruit in the weekend bowl. I spent my evening getting soaked another couple of times while journeying to the cinema with Ewa to see me Me before you. Lovely heartbreaking, uplifting, bittersweet movie. Still cried a few times even though I knew the story well. 

 Here are the nice bits because that’s all that truly matters in the end. 

Fun @ Crystal palace park & diddy dino

Fun @ Crystal palace park & diddy dino

Our long weekend was a park filled adventure. When the weather isn’t a complete wash out the easiest plan is one involving parks. We went to Crystal Palace on Saturday, Streatham Common on Sunday and Clapham Common on Monday. In between all this we had pizza with grandma and Juanchi and burger with auntie Ewa and uncle Randy not on the same day obviously. By 6pm on Monday Hal and I felt like we might not survive another minute but lately Aydin is such a joy it all feels worthwhile. His new ‘hi gorgey’ (hi gorgeous) is making me want to eat him. This boy can’t possibly get cuter, I can’t cope! 



Exploring a bit of Brockwell park

Exploring a bit of Brockwell park

The weather was a bit iffy to start with but we had a pretty good day in the end. A bit of park exploring followed by a trip to Brixton for lunch at Franco Manca. Finally home before the rain. Typically weekend spent together but always enjoyable. 


21 Months today

21 Months today

 This little man is getting too big too soon. If there is as time so far that I would love to pause and savour it would be this one. The new words, the attempts at singing all the cuteness is so wonferful. For a moment it makes me want hundreds of Aydins, but then reality kicks in, and no! I think one more would do but certainly not hundreds. 🙂 


Kite day @ Streatham 

Kite day @ Streatham 

Spectacular day to fly a Kite! We has a lovely, relaxing afternoon with granny. An unexpected picnic and summery weather made for a great Sunday.