Week 36 (27th Apr – 3rd May)

Week 36 (27th Apr – 3rd May)

A lovely bank holiday weekend spent mostly with mama and grandma. On Saturday we visited portobello market for a late lunch with Ruka and Juana. Aydi had so much fun being the centre of attention and being passed from lap to lap. Very happy little chap. 🙂
Wearing grandmas cashmere hat

Look at the little smile

Little cowboy

But blurry but that face is so damn cute

Looks at the style this boy has

Future body?

Pearly white teeth 

Enjoying the sun in the garden

Boys being boys 


Just the 3 of us 

Week 34 (13th Apr – 19th Apr)

Week 34 (13th Apr – 19th Apr)

This week we had a lovely date with my friend Linda and her gorgeous Matilda lily. Aydin and I had a lovely time and it was a nice change to the usual routine. They both behaved wonderfully while we had a little chat and a nice plate of fish and chips. 
Look at these two beautiful babies
Hottest day of the year so far, so the most beautiful chubby legs were out. 

Playing havoc with nap times. Deep sleep after 3pm naughty boy!

Little quality time with grandma

She is crazy about you I can’t wait till you can show her more affection 

Crazy morning playtime 

Little pearly whites are visible

Chubby baby

And then you turned 8th months!!!!

Week 33 (6th Apr – 12th Apr)

Week 33 (6th Apr – 12th Apr)

This week flew by as Hali was around on the bank holidays which is always fantastic. 
We went on the swings for the first time and it was a wonderful moment. Aydin absolutely loved it. Must work out how to add videos to this blog. One of the many many things on my to do list.
Elf baby I love you

Handsome boys in my life 

Me and my little man 

Look at the face he pulled 🙂

Gorgeous munchkin on our bed 

Heart melts

First time on the swings total success. 

Loving it

At pret waiting for grandma

Week 32 (30th Mar – 5th Apr)

Week 32 (30th Mar – 5th Apr)

This week was very quiet. We ventured off to brixton and did a bit of shopping followed by a coffee just the two of us. 
The hat I didn’t buy. Silly mama
New toy unsure whether it’s a success

Mr handsome all dressed up

Relaxing morning in my pjs. Why do mornings stay so early?? 

Week 31 (23rd Mar – 29th Mar)

Week 31 (23rd Mar – 29th Mar)

A quiet week for us as we are still getting through the end of the sickness bug.
On Sunday mum and I battled the household dust while Hal went clay pigeon shooting. Aydin was so well behaved entertaining himself while we worked around him.
This week aydin was practicing lots of sitting up time. 🙂
Morning chit chat

Lots of cuddling this week

Week 30 (16th Mar -22nd Mar)

Week 30 (16th Mar -22nd Mar)

Trip over and life resumed as normal here in our little flat. Aydin settled right back into it even though he has been a bit poorly. 
And to my absolute disbelieve my little one is now closer is 1yr than newborn. Somehow getting past that half way point really does speed things up. 
Nap success on our return from Florence. Phewwww
Baby boy is 7 months old!!

Man flu & baby cold. Germ filled house 🙁

Week 29 (9th Mar – 15th Mar)

Week 29 (9th Mar – 15th Mar)

So our first proper trip with the little chubby munchkin. His 1st and 2nd flight were a success I can now say he is a great little travel companion. We spent 4 days in Florence celebrating our 10yr anniversary as we had joked many many years earlier with a little one. I have to say at the time it seemed unbelievable and yet here we are with our bundle of joy. 
We took a very laid back approach to sightseeing and getting around as we felt our priority was a happy baby anything more was a bonus. So we planned our day around him and we were all pretty content. 
I have to say Florence is not particularly buggy friendly with the cobbled streets, narrow (like seriously narrow) pavements. Boboli gardens was no different, we saw what we could and enjoyed every moment as a little family of three. 
Being back to the place that really made me grow up (or so I felt as a young 19yr old) really did put in perceptive just how luck and blessed I have been and how even though I never feel my life is particularly exciting it has actually had many wonderful things to offer in these last 10 years.
If the next 10 have half as many blessings I will still have so much to be thankful for. 
Looking very grown up in mummies chair
Look at how small he looks all alone in bed
River Arno and us 🙂
Firenze and our place piazzale Michelangelo
He was looking chubbier that day 🙂
We can’t kiss this kid enough
Chilling after a long day of walking

Boboli gardens 
Boys do Boboli 
Waiting for the slowest pizza service in the history of pizza!

Us in 2010

Us in 2015! This was the purpose of this trip. That’s one ticked off the bucket list.

Week 28 (2nd Mar – 8th Mar)

Week 28 (2nd Mar – 8th Mar)

This week has been all about sleep. Aydin has been sleeping so well I am dreading a change back to bad nights. We have had nights of only one very brief wake up and one feed. Only down side is we are starting the day at 5am but that’s a small price for easy nights.
Suddenly Aydin is looking even cuter minus sleep deprivation. 🙂
My tiny hoody
Finally finished Aydins blanket it only took about a year. 🙂
The boys bonding
A little pretend work time

Munchkin after a feed. I love his tomato covered little face

At the new local restuarant for lunch 
Boys in blue

It was delicious!

Mother’s Day photo for my mama.