Week 27 ( 23rd Feb – 1st Mar)

Week 27 ( 23rd Feb – 1st Mar)

Aydin discovered a new toy sitting there on mamas nose. 🙂 he was smiling so much I don’t know if he was just happy with mama without glasses or just happy to play with this new object. 
Aydin had a bad night or three and then what did I feel on the bottom gums??? A tiny bit of a tooth popping through and the next day? The other tooth next to it. 🙂
Glad that solves the mystery of your rough night.:) 
Pictures to follow once they are more visible. 🙂
Enjoying hus greens (for now)
A few blueberries
And his toes
A serious conversation going on it seems
I completed and installed (asked Hal to install) Aydins cloud and stars mobile 🙂
Aydin has recently become so much more interested in objects and it’s wonderful to look at. That look of amasement is, well, Amazing!!
look at that little face he is pulling. we hardly ever get photos together. 🙁
Very silly excited face

Week 26 (16th Feb – 22nd Feb)

Week 26 (16th Feb – 22nd Feb)

Mr handsome turned 6 months!!! Half a year my little love, you have taught me so much! 
You are loved so much it’s ridiculous!
This week you are going bonkers about rolling. I turn my head and you have rolled. Unfortunately you can only turn on to your tummy and not back so once you get fed up on your tummy you make yourself known so I flip you over.
You are still enjoy your food even though you developed a rash twice this week. Once after a bit of formula and once after yoghurt. Dairy allergy perhaps? For now we will avoid it and see if you out grow it.
Second swimming lesson went well and that was the first one just with me no daddy.

Week 25 (9th Feb – 15th Feb)

Week 25 (9th Feb – 15th Feb)

This week has been a lot of fun, experimenting with food. Aydin seems to be happy with any food he is given and rather greedy always wanting more.
We have tried:
Fruit – mango, apple, pear, peach and banana, tangerine 
Veg – carrot, sweet potato, courgette, parsnip, broccoli, peas, sweetcorn, beetroot
There is lots still to try and I hope his optimism continues. 
He discovered his feet which is very sweet watching him grab them and do all sorts of acrobatics with them. 
He also got his first Valentine’s Day admirer and with it his first ballon. It really is a week of firsts with Sunday being his first swimming lesson aswell. 
Mango flavoured Sophie
Loves getting messy
Avocado face 

Gorgeous chubby feet

Still loves his pram yepppppy
Loving his feet 

Still not putting them in his mouth but I can see that coming soon

Aydins 1st admirer (grandma)

This scene of rather grown up playtime lasted a few minutes

At the moment the pieces just get removed and dropped around him 

First ballon for grandmas little Valentine 

The lovely couple 🙂

My little family of 3 

1st swimming lesson

My boys

Week 24 (2nd Feb – 8th Feb)

Week 24 (2nd Feb – 8th Feb)

Started this week feeling very rough with an awful head ache and blocked aching sinus. Aydin had his worst night ever at the end if last week which coincided with my roughest night bad combination. I do hope we have better nights this week.

On Monday I met some other mums in a coffee get together I arranged locally. It was a success and we have decided I make it a regular thing which is lovely. Met so many friendly mums that understand perfectly how I am currently feeling. Also spoke to my doctor who recommended CBT and booked an appointment with Simon for a session. Can’t wait to see him I have a lot of faith in him.
On Wednesday I caught a horrible stomach bug that had me unable to stomach anything for 2 days and feeling like I had been beaten up.
Nonetheless I saw Simon while my mum spent an hour with Aydin. He behave really well much to my relief, I was sure he would spend the whole hour screaming at least that was my biggest fear. By Friday I was at least feeling like my old self again and could take care of Aydin properly.
Unfortunately on Sunday morning Halil woke up with the bug himself. I hope he gets over it soon too. 

Cutest hoody

On the underground
Little teething cheek

Little DIY project 

On the Acapulco chair 😉

Out with the girls on Sunday and my number 1 boy

Uncle Randy

Auntie Ewa 

My handsome boy

Too cute. Love him so much!!

Week 23 (26th Jan – 1st Feb)

Week 23 (26th Jan – 1st Feb)

Monday was a truly awful day. I felt the lowest I have felt in a while and decided I needed help. I think the loneliness of motherhood and the lack of me time took it’s toll. In an effort to not let things go down hill I wrote to the streatham mums group for support- who were incredible. I also spoke to a health visitor, booked an appointment with the gp and with my health visitor. I cried and accepted that I am not coping well all alone. Once I accepted this it was clear I alone had to pluck up the courage and put myself out there. Luckily some lovely mums made this much easier. I went to a playgroup and spoke to a few mums over hot chocolate then I spent the whole day with 2 other wonderful mums. I got home at 4:30 exhausted but feeling a little more like myself. I know it isn’t sorted but with a couple of days like this a week I will cope much better I think. 

On the sleep training side things are going well Aydin has had a few really good nights of only 2 feeds. Also we are moving towards no bouncing to sleep (1st step) and only bottom wiggling so slowly slowly we are all adapting and Aydin is happy. A bit of complaining when put to sleep but overall no hysterical crying. Thank goodness!
Success sleeping in the cot!
Loving his new pram- horray!!! 
He saw snow for the first time I Sunday 

Unfortunately by the end of the week we were both sick and Aydin had his worst night ever. Waking every hour and at times every 30-40 mins. My head was thumping and my sinus felt on fire. Hope we both feel better soon. 🙁

Week 22 (19th Jan – 25th Jan)

Week 22 (19th Jan – 25th Jan)

This week we officially started our sleep training programme courtesy of Hannah Love from yummy baby group. Much to my relief this is not a harsh change for anyone, us or Aydin, that said it isn’t easy peasy either. 

Initially the main thing is to establish a feeding schedule that seperates feeds and naps. No more nursing my little one too sleep, as beautiful as this is. No more feeding on demand, I miss been able to give him my breast which seemed to sort everything out. As Hannah says he has been getting the boob when tired, bored and hungry. Well this is no longer the way. 
Now he feeds approximately every 3 hrs and naps when he shows signs of tiredness (about every 2-3 hrs). So that’s the day routine tackled and I must say other than checking the clock more than usual it has been very doable. 
Next, we began to tackle how he sleeps- on the boob, chest carrier or our chest- again this is no more. Now he must be bounced horizontally to sleep and ideally placed on cushions on our lap or by our side. Still at the on lap phase but he is sleeping horizontally which is definite progress. On Thursday we even managed 2 naps like this without bouncing, white noise or comforter. All it took was holding him, he put his thumb in his mouth and bang asleep. I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. 
Fingers crossed the improvements continue. 
Another battle we face later is the pushchair phobia. It is something that is really making going out for longer trips difficult. There is only so much I can carry 8+ kg around for and it would be nice to get a rest from this every now and then. 

Sleep training step one

Thumb sucking to sleep
Start of sleep training
Smiling at the tv faces
My boys
Chubby boy
Hey sailor

My little elf

Week 21 (12th Dec – 18th Dec)

Week 21 (12th Dec – 18th Dec)

Sleeping issues continue to plague us. I finally gave in and decided to get help. I contacted a sleep trainer recommended by a streatham mum and hope to get this issues sorted before I go totally insane. 

Little scratched nose, results of his scratching at bedtime 

My baby how I wish you slept like this in your bed. 🙁

Loves sucking on ripe pears

Handsome lad

Teeny toes

On Saturday we had our trail day with Aydins new routine- feeding every 3 hrs not feeding to sleep and rocking hi in his room (first step) it went fairly well. 
Then on Sunday my boy turned…

I can’t believe you can feel so overwhelmed with love, this little face makes my heart almost burst with joy. 

Week 20 (5th Dec – 11th Dec)

Week 20 (5th Dec – 11th Dec)

This week the 2 hourly night feeds continued, not much fun for me but I am not sure what else to do other than follow  Aydin’s lead. On Monday I finally took him to be weighed and he continues on the 75th percentile weighing 8.22kg which is great. At least I am not doing it all wrong. 
I have given Aydin the first few tastes of solids which he seems to like. But they are tiny portions as I don’t know if or how they will affect his little tummy. I get the impression he wants more but for now just tasting it will have to do.

Yummy banana
Is he looking more like his daddy?

Morning smiles 

Love this blurry pictures 

End of 2014

End of 2014

This year has been like no other so far, bursting with new experiences. 

This time last year I had just found out I was pregnant and was filled with excitement and fear at what was yet to come. Much to my surprise pregnancy was an absolute joy, all those fears of low sugar levels, cravings, morning sickness, weight gain etc where unnecessary.  There is nothing like pregnancy, the excitement of this little person growing inside, those first black and white scans conforming you are really creating a new life and then later feeling and seeing this tiny baby moving inside. Such a beautiful experience well worth the indigestion, discomfort and exhaustion that the final stage causes because by then all you can do is dream of meeting your baby.
Giving birth later this year was by far the scariest thing I have ever endured. I discovered, like so many others, that birthing plans are so ridiculously pointless and that in fact when the moment finally comes modesty and privacy fly out of the window. So worrying about everyone standing by your head and not down south doesn’t even come into it. With everyone getting a full monty I could not have cared less, a mixture of panic and pain quickly render these things as unthinkable. Also as scary as it is, it’s also true that a few months later you look back and a tiny voice in your head says ‘ oh it wasn’t that bad!’. I guess that’s the beauty of our natural instincts it has a way of making us cope when mentally we have no clue what we the hell we are doing and later tricking us into possible doing it again. Hahah (I am not quite there)
Then motherhood hit me, what a shock the has been. The first few weeks I functioned on pure adrenaline and excitement. But soon after this the loneliness, cluelessness, exhaustion and fear kicked in and I suddenly thought- ‘what have I done?’ Many days have passed with this thought, though I love Aydin and can’t now imagine life without him my life has suddenly become so alien to me it’s hard to adapt. I went from doing what I wanted when I wanted, to not having time to even think about what I would like let alone doing it. 
Now Aydin is 4 months old and I still feel panick if he cries, I still fear I don’t know what he wants and I still fear going out with him alone. I am still adjusting to everything revolving around this one little person and to not having him out of my thoughts for a split second. I feel I have learnt a lot in the last 4 months but I am fully conscious that I have so much yet to learn. 
My focus in this New Year is to try (almost impossible for me) to worry and stress less and enjoy the moment without feeling like if all I did was look after Aydin all day then I have not done enough and  wasted my day. With this also comes being braver and going out with him more because being home all day every day does nothing for my sanity. 
Here’s is a spectacular 2015 filled with joy with my little family!