My 34th, say what????

My 34th, say what????

Feel pretty exhausted at 34 but so blessed, happy and in love with my little family. Don’t want any gifts because you can’t top this, can you?!?!

My babies 1st proper haircut

My babies 1st proper haircut

Tiny fringe cut for this cutie and majoy haircut for my little Mr A, and boy does he look grown up! We are more in love with these two beauties! How did we plain humans make such gorgeousness!!!!

On another note what an honor to have someone that has known me since a was little cutting my babies hair! Feel all the loves right now.

Jumping bean

Jumping bean

Signs that our little boy is building up his confidence, there was a time not so long ago he would not dare to even stand on these logs. It was such a joy watching how much he enjoyed jumping of them and getting more confident with each jump. Our baby is growing up far to fast and my emotions are all over the place, from joy to sadness the whole spectrum in between. How can this love keep growing? Everytime i think i can’t love more he proves me wrong.

Joing World Cup spirit

Joing World Cup spirit

A little trip to the local pub to catch a bit more of the game. Amber made a few friends with her usual flirty attitude while Aydi and I entertained each other. I love his smile, this boy can be so handsome and adorable. So lucky they are mine to enjoy daily despite bad moments and stress i know i am super lucky. 

Dinosaurs and ice creams

Dinosaurs and ice creams

I made my way to Crystal Palace with the kiddes one day and clapham the next we had the best time in the sun going to playgrounds and snacking together.