Numbers & play

Numbers & play

Aydi is so good at writing his numbers now, he has so much more control of his hand movement. Amber is also gaining more and more control and now manages a few steps unaided. These babies just grow too fast!!

Walking at 13 months!

Walking at 13 months!

Weren’t you 1 like a week ago?????

Little lady you are so keen to walk now, a few steps and now the constant practising begins holding our fingers as we do our backs in a bit more. The joy of walking!!

Aydi 46 months

Aydi 46 months

Almost 4 and starting school, how and when did it happen? It still blows my mind that come September I will have a child in school!!!!

Old friends & new friends

Old friends & new friends

I met with my oldest friend Carmen and her lovely boy Marcel who met Aydi for the first time. I can’t believe how different our lives are now Carmy! We went from 5 year olds girls becoming friends at school to 30 something year olds with kids. Who would have thought this would be us and we would have so much to be proud of. To our beautiful children 😍

Swing cuddles

Swing cuddles

Aydi has a lot cuddles to give unfortunately not always the most delicate with his lil sis it can be more like strangling than hugging. I do love that he even wants to give her cuddles.

Below are a couple of pictures of my favorite plant which has given me 3 more plants. I LOVE PLANTS, and this one is my fav.

Finally spme pics of fun at the sandpit on the weekend with my gang, look at the tunnel hal dug, brilliant.

Ballpit madness

Ballpit madness

Ballpits generally fill me with terror but on this occasion we had it to outselves so these 2 could enjoy it together without anyone jumping all over them. It was only a minute or two before one had to come out but worth it for these happy pictures. Seeing these two smile, my heart bursts with love.

Lanzarote part 2

Lanzarote part 2

We got into a nice simple routine with the kiddies of playground, lunch, play, pool, hot tub, dinner, walk/playground, sleep so they were pretty happy most days. Aydi once again a lovely travel companion like in Italy. Fingers crossed Turkey later in the year is like this. We coped dispite being left 2 hrs on the plane without moving, 4 hour flight, 1 hour hovering above Gatwick and 2 hours home no serious meltdowns. Phew we were exhausted though!