Ambers 1!!!

Ambers 1!!!

That was the quickest month of my life, this little girl made time fly with that astonishing smile and prior to this with her easy nature. Today I am over joyed to celebrate this 1st little birthday but saddened that my baby is no longer a tiny baby. 

Ambers is one!!!!!

Ambers is one!!!!!

Oh my gorgeous, smiley princess you bring so much happiness and these 12 months with you have flown by. We blinked and you were one! Already cruising and mimicking all our gestures you are pure cheekiness. I couldn’t have imagined anything better than you and we all love you so much. Your big brother is your biggest fan and you are his biggest fan i have no doubts. You are all i wanted for Aydi, a little buddy to enjoy the day to day with. Thank you for all this happiness you bring our little family!

Night before Ambers 1st birthday

Night before Ambers 1st birthday

It feels like only a couple of months ago this little treasure was born after a bit of a sudden labour after hours of discomfort.

I am not sure how we have managed such an incredibly relaxed year in what seemed like an impossible task when we had only 1 child. The transition from one to two children felt pretty simple after the epic upheaval having the 1st caused. With Amber, she just slotted into our lives and came along for the ride without demanding too much and giving us so much happiness and joy.

I feel tremendously happy and proud that Aydin gets to grow up with a sibling, something which means the world to me as I never wanted to have an only child. Now when they have brief moments of playing together my heart wants to burst with joy.

Now my biggest hope (after our health and happiness of course) is that they love each other and are there for each other always. I dont expect them to always like each other but i hope they always know when needed they have each others backs. I would have loved to have a sibling and grown up with someone these two better appreciate each other and make this mum proud.

Amber this year with you has been magic, you add so much to our 3 lives, i can’t wait to get to know you better. This next year alone will bring so much change as you develop more of a personality. If those wonderful smiles of yours continue i don’t doubt our lives will be incredible my little brave, cheeky and daring beauty. I don’t doubt Aydin loves you as he tells you often, and as for your dad and I we are completely and utterly in love with you! Sleep tight my love for tomorrow we celebrate a wonderful day, Happy Birthday!

Aydi 45 months

Aydi 45 months

Adorable, chatty and stubborn gorgeousness we love you and the little boy you are becoming.

Ambi 1 month away from the big day!

Ambi 1 month away from the big day!

Ambi you are all bravery and courage with a streak of fearlessness that terrifies and fascinates me. I knew you wouldn’t be a clone of your brother but you are polar opposites in attitude. What Aydi has in cautiousness you have in daring. You climb up slides, throw yourself down them, climb anything climbable! You come out of the high chair in the blink of an eye so i can’t even trust you there. To this day your brother has never climbed up a slide or come out of a high chair! I feel you will give me a heart attack when you get the hang of walking.