Life back at home

Life back at home

Back at home from our hols and enjoying our new globe after our fantastic travel experience. 

So behind posting but will try to get back to date over the next couple of weeks and be consistant. Below are a few picture of this adorable bunch of mine. Do the day to day….

Last stop Firenze! The the photo we came for

Last stop Firenze! The the photo we came for

Last bit of our journey before heading back home, we went straight to Piazza Michelangelo  to capture the photo that started this whole journey. Once there it was so windy that we quickly returned to our airbnb for a relaxed evening we had no intention of doing any serious sightseeing so that one evening there was spent indoors.


a little glimpse of our lovely airbnb in the heart of Florence, with it’s awesome mezzanine!!!

I can’t believe how far we have come since 2005 in 13 years we grew up, married and created these 2 incredible little humans and achieved something that was merely a passing comment; that we would return to this beautiful city to mark the important junctions in our lives together. It has become a wonderful tradition and I truly hope we have more amazing landmark occasions to return and photograph in our place Piazza Michelangelo.

Below is the picture of this trip 2018 as a family of 4, then in 2015 as a family of 3 and to mark 10 years together. Next in 2010 to mark 5 years together.

I am not sure if on any of the many evenings we took midnight and early morning strolls up to piazza Michelangelo as a young couple just dating in 2005 we took any pictures but i will try to find any and post again.

Leave me in Cinque Terre!!!!

Leave me in Cinque Terre!!!!

Woke up here to a chilly beautiful morning and jumped on a boat to explore our surroundings. Aydin loved the boat journeys with the breeze in his hair and the rocking to and fro. We loved our day between Vernazza and Monterosso which we found even lovelier than Rio maggiore with the added benefit of not having hundreds of stairs everywhere which with a baby and a toddler were exhausting at times. We enjoyed lovely food including the local pasta with pesto which was delicious and left me wanting more!  

Lucca to Cinque terre,  Rio Maggiore

Lucca to Cinque terre, Rio Maggiore

Our stay in Lucca was a huge success for all, and we are excited to go on the next leg of our trip with a bit of a train journey but all worth it when we arrived in lovely cinque terre, Rio maggiore the scenery was phenomenal so excited for our time here. Once again we found a kids playground but the views were like no other we could have stayed there forever! We are in love with crazy buildings piled so tighly on these rocks how stunning is this place!

Time spent in Lucca

Time spent in Lucca

We explored Lucca with the kiddos at such a leisurely, relaxed and unplanned way, stopping whenever Aydi wanted, where he wanted and found traveling this way meant everyone got pleasure out of thr journey rather than constant tension. I feel like slowly we begin to crack how to travel with little ones but it’s day one so perhaps it was just luck that we had no meltdowns. We had lovely weather which made everything even prettier.

It’s so fantastic that the outer wall of Lucca is like a raised park with not just the lovely views but save car free roamimg and kids parks yepppy happy toddler, happy parents!

And finally a little snooze so it really is win win.

Bon giorno italia!!!!

Bon giorno italia!!!!

We are taking our little princess to our city, Firenze here we come!! Well we have a few exciting stops on the way so watch this space!!

First some flight pictures and our arrival….

Ambi is making time fly

Ambi is making time fly

How is it only 2 months till her 1st!!! This girl makes anyone smile with her gorgeous smiley flirty face. Our lives are so bright with this ray of sunshine!!!