Celebration weekend

Celebration weekend

The Leo’s celebration, finally!!

The highlight of the year it’s Christmas and this, so it’s absolutely epic.
Aydi didn’t really get into the groove straightway but by the end of the evening he was enjoying things and being his crazy self. It was lovely being with those I love. This little group are my brothers, sisters, aunties, my family! It may be small, it may not be biologically linked but it is happier than most. My mum was our driving force and Ewa the co pilot, they did an incredible job. Thank you for making this day a reality on an annual basis. Our traditions are the best, bring on Christmas!!! Not too soon though!!!

Weekends playing and turning 32

Weekends playing and turning 32

Look how grown up my aydi looks!! Can’t believe in a matter of days he will be 2! I didn’t know it was possible to be so head over heals in love. Despite all the hard bits, this boy is amazing. 

My birthday came and went in a flash. I wanted to pamper myself, rest and have me time. What was I thinking? Mums don’t get a break. 

I think in reality my plans are too ambitious for my actual energy levels. I can just about muster the energy to get myself to bed so hobbies and pampering are too much hassle right now. The drawing, writing, fitness and all other big plans will have to wait, this mama needs her sleep after 4:30am starts and being a toddlers slave/jester/cleaner/cook/ nurse all day while not letting the flat look like a total bomb site. I must accept I will never be one of those successful, ambitious, creative super mamas 🙁 but I will try to be a loving mama everyday.

Weekend antics

Weekend antics

Why can’t you be like this in mornings!!!!!!!!! Back to 4am starts, why do you hate us? 

Southbank @ the weekend

Southbank @ the weekend

It was a tough day with a very cranky aydin until we got to the water and then his mood frantically improved. We were shattered from hovering over him trying to distract and entertain him so this was a welcome distraction. After this the day was hugely improved. In particular lying in the grass eating brownies and tortas de Nata while aydin napped. Hooray for naps!

Mr potatoes glasses 

Mr potatoes glasses 

Mr potatoes glasses were too much temptation for aydin, it’s adorable and still amazes me the things he suddenly does. 

Aydin and his gang

Aydin and his gang

Our lovely childminder made this before leaving us for the summer. It made me a little teary because it reminded me of school photos and I suddenly was struck by the fact that my little boy won’t be little for long, he has already grown up so much from that teeny tiny helpless baby that came out of me. Time please slow down I don’t want to wake up and have a teenage boy or worse an adult son.

Look at him all tiny on the far right, I could eat him! Is it possible to love more? Everyday I feel like I manage to out do the previous day’s maximum love. My heart might burst with this boy this level of adoration can’t be healthy! Right? It must start to even out at some point. Maybe that’s what teenage years are for,  to rein back that love and maybe hate your kids a little, regain some balance.

Here’s to a nice family weekend producing more loving feeling

23 Months old

23 Months old

Aydin was 23 months old on Monday unfortunately we had a bit of a scary experience with him on the Monday evening so posting was not really possible. But now that everything is back on track and we have no more crazy high temperature, I can post.

So, 23 months and the vocabulary is still expanding we now say cuidado, aguacate, avocado (previously cado) like this, daddy wake up, where’s daddy, mami tired, his favorite ok…..no! Funny that he should know mami tired and daddy wake up. Hahahah

Song repertoire has extended to:

X’s and O’s by Elle King – ‘like X’s and O’s’ is all he says really but loves me singing it to him.

Tina Turners what love got to do with it- ‘got to do, got to do’ is all he repeats but it’s another firm favorite.